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Book: Children of Imprisoned Parents: A Guide to Holistic Caregiver and Child Well-being

Caregivers Family Relations Assessment and Communication Strategies (C-FRACS): Bibliotherapy, Storybooks for Children With Incarcerated Parents

Check out our Latest Publications:

“Mommy, I Want to Talk to My Dad”: Exploring Parental Incarceration, Bibliotherapy, and Storybooks

Our children's books About Parental Incarceration:

DC Project Connect Handbook


Authored by DC Project Connect's Dr. Geoffrey Johnson, this handbook is for families affected by a loved one's incarceration. Hard copies are available for purchase. Proceeds support children of incarcerated parents and resources for their families. 


*To purchase paperback copies for your organization, please complete the contact form and include

"DC Project Connect Handbook" in the subject line.* 

DC Project Connect Children's Books 


Baby Star Finds "Happy"


Baby Star Finds “Happy” is a story about a child’s journey, where she embraces friendship, family, and forgiveness when a mother goes to jail. Baby Star learns that sadness is a normal response when someone you love is gone. She also learns that she is not at fault for her mother’s incarceration.


This book is for parents and caregivers of children affected by parental incarceration.


Avon Hart-Johnson Publications

October 2019


Avon Hart-Johnson

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Rocko's Guitar

Rocko’s Guitar is a story about a young male who adores his dad, a budding musician. Rocko’s bond with his father is strengthened when his dad gives him a cherished guitar for his birthday. Their relationship must withstand an unexpected separation due to Dad’s incarceration.


This book is for parents and caregivers of children affected by parental incarceration.



Avon Hart-Johnson Publications

October 2019


Geoffrey Johnson

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Jamie's Big Visit


Children process separation and resultant grief in different ways. These little ones are sometimes the last to learn about the absent parent or loved one's incarceration. Their loss can be internalized, leaving the child feeling angry, guilty-and worried. The affected child may wonder when he or she will ever see the absent person again. This book chronicles Jamie the Bear's experience as he learns about grown-up time-out (incarceration).


This guide helps a parent or caregiver to explain and minimize the possible fear associated with the first prison visit. 


Avon Hart-Johnson Publications

November 2017


Avon Hart-Johnson

DC Project Connect Scholarly Research


Prison Staff and Family Visits: United Kingdom Case Study


Advocacy for Children's Rights: Physical Contact During Prison Visits


Parental Incarceration and Children


DCPC, Registered Charity: 47-4008186 Will no longer accept donations as of 12.30.2022

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