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Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson is a dedicated researcher, scholar, and advocate at the forefront of social justice initiatives. Her books and journal publications focus on the intersection of mass incarceration and its profound effects on children, families, and communities. She also leads national and international coalitions, driving discussions on social change, human rights, and reparative justice. She is a contributing faculty member and doctoral mentor at Walden University. She is currently seeking a second Ph.D. from Bowie State University in Counseling Education and Leadership, social justice concentration.

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My Story

I have always had a keen sense of compassion for people who are hurting and in need of support. My advocacy began when I was just a young child. As a teen, I mentored and provided tutoring for young children. Later I spent time volunteering in a center for children and families impacted by familial abuse. After a lucrative career in Corporate America as an information technology manager, I was "called" to respond to the ill effects of mass incarceration, devastating Black communities. My research on African American Women With Incarcerated Mates, led to my first publication: African American Women with Incarcerated Mates: The Psychological and Social Impacts of Mass Imprisonment.  After co-founding DC Project Connect, I became interested in how children were impacted by parental incarceration. This led to several initiatives, speaking engagements, workshop development, training facilitation, and the creation of a series of children's books to provide helpful support in discussing incarceration with children (Jamie's Big Visit, Baby Star Finds "Happy."  Through this journey, I have met incredible advocates, family members, and wonderful professionals in the field. I am humbled to have given keynote addresses, served as a guest on radio shows, and made television guest appearances. This work fills my soul and is my calling and purpose. Perhaps the most significant honor was speaking on the floor of the United Nations on April 17, 2024, highlighting issues that Pre-K children (aged 2.5 to 5.5 years old) are experiencing related to discipline: expulsion, corporal punishment, and even arrest. A link is forthcoming on a white paper and/or journal article related to this social justice issue. 


Research Studies:


Consulting and Speaking Engagements

  • Curriculum development for trauma-informed bibliotherapy classes and workshops

  • Program design for children of incarcerated parents (emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and enhancing coping skills)

  • Custom Workshop Design (in-person and virtual): Healing from loss and grief related to incarceration

  • Keynote, plenary, and conference engagements upon request. Send requests to


Dr. Hart-Johnson is a Certified Trauma-Support Specialist, a certified grief recovery specialist, and a Human Services Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP). She holds a Masters in Information Technology, a Masters in Forensic Psychology,  PhD in Human Services. She is currently pursuing a second PhD in Counseling Education and Supervision with a specialization in Social Justice, at Bowie State University.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities to advance advocacy. Let's connect.

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